Multibagger Penny Stock of 2020

The recent market crash due to COVID19, has dragged the value of many small cap and mid cap shares to multi years low. As a result, making them available at mouth-watering price. Many shares have converted into penny stock. Penny Stock are those stocks which trades at low price. Generally they are traded at below 10rs. Penny stock are very risky investment. One should invest in it with a mindset that you might loose all your money . But what if I say you that it can give 100 times return . Usually I don't recommend penny stock investment but today in this post, I would like to give you one penny stock which I think can become multibagger based on my analysis, because it has good fundamental . It has potential to outperform in nearby future and can become turnaround story . The stock is TRIDENT LTD . TRIDENT LIMITED ...